Health Care
Book Club (banned books)
The committees will address local & state legislation that affects South Carolina’s constituency that may not adhere to our democratic platform, such as Women’s Protection Act, Critical Race Theory, Gender Discrimination and Gender Identity, School Vouchers, and Banning of Books.
Committee Structure:
• The committees consist of club volunteers.
• The committees will be coordinated by the committee liaison.
• The committee liaison will report to the Board/ membership as needed.
• Healthcare: Bill 474 (Abortion ban) signed into law and currently held up in the Courts, the abortion ban continues at 20 weeks.
• Legislation: Curriculum censorship (H3728) sitting in the conference committee. Differences between the chambers being ironed out prior to being submitted to the governor.
• Book Club: Local banning of books and censorship, and curriculums that distort history by excluding critical race theory.
• Immigration: Changes in DACA that might affect immigrants currently living in the US (e.g., workers, professionals, students etc.)
Potential Action:
• The committee will contact Congressman, Senators and local government officials vis-à-vis letters, emails, petitions, phone calls; and write letters to the editor conveying our democratic perspective.
• The committee members may attend meetings and any event pertaining to each committee’s purpose.
• The committee liaison will post committee activities and updates as needed in the monthly newsletter.
If you are interested in participating in any of the committees, please contact the committee liaison: